FusionAuth LogoFusionAuth Themes


Setup FusionAuthThemes

The FusionAuth themes are located at ./packages/fusionauth/. Each theme is located at a subdirectory with the name of the theme.

Prerequisites: requires Node 22.6.0 or higher.


You can run pnpm fa:setup then select 'Setup' to setup your FusionAuth instance.


Note: If you are on a newer version or upgrade your FusionAuth Instance, make sure you either download the theme manually or update all the required messages.

cd <theme-directory>
npx fusionauth theme:download <theme-id> -k <apikey> -h <host> -o <tpl-directory>


npx fusionauth theme:download e753828b-b475-44f3-8727-39749c2f36e3 -k this_really_should_be_a_long_random_alphanumeric_value_but_this_still_works -h http://localhost:9011 -o ./iron-pixel/tpl


cd <theme-directory>
npx fusionauth theme:upload <theme-id> -k <apikey> -h <host> -i <tpl-directory>


npx fusionauth theme:upload e753828b-b475-44f3-8727-39749c2f36e3 -k this_really_should_be_a_long_random_alphanumeric_value_but_this_still_works -h http://localhost:9011 -i ./iron-pixel/tpl

Watching Changes and Rebuilding Themes

More details: https://github.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-node-cli Make sure you update to the CORRECT theme directory!!! Note: You need to replace <themeid>, <apikey>, <host> and <theme-name> with your own values.

This will require two steps, one for building using Tailwind and the other for uploading to FusionAuth.

Building CSS from Tailwind

See more: https://fusionauth.io/docs/customize/look-and-feel/tailwind

Run the below command to watch for changes and rebuild the theme:

npx @tailwindcss/cli -i ./<theme-name>/input.css -o ./<theme-name>/tpl/stylesheet.css --watch


npx @tailwindcss/cli -i ./iron-pixel/input.css -o ./iron-pixel/tpl/stylesheet.css --watch

Uploading to FusionAuth

Run this command in another terminal to automatically update the theme within FusionAuth Instance:

npx fusionauth theme:watch <themeid> -k <apikey> -h <host> -i ./<theme-name>/tpl/


npx fusionauth theme:watch e753828b-b475-44f3-8727-39749c2f36e3 -k this_really_should_be_a_long_random_alphanumeric_value_but_this_still_works -h http://localhost:9011 -i ./iron-pixel/tpl/

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